Saudi Comedat Company

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Saudi Contractor
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Eastern Province
Al Dewan Business Center, 3rd Floor, Suite 302 King Faisal Road, Al Yarmouk District Al Khobar 31952 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Comedat Company Ltd. (SCCL) has established itself as a leading contractor and the pioneer of large scale open pit mining/heavy earth moving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For the Neom project our superior earth moving capabilities and large earth moving equipment are a perfect fit. The larger earth moving equipment allows for lower costs, fewer people which means reduced exposure to hazards and offers an efficient and time saving way to move large volumes in a short period of time. SCCL offers turnkey services for earth moving. We offer services in the earth moving field such as design, planning, and project management. We are well versed in the construction of earth moving infrastructure and environmental mitigation measures in remote and challenging locations. Our current fleet capabilities are quite impressive, we have access to equipment through our regional partners in Jordan that can be mobilized within a matter of weeks not months. Our fleet capabilities are such that we are able to move in excess of 2 million bcms per day or more depending on the haul distances. Currently we are contracted to Maaden Phosphate the Al-Jalamid Phosphate Mine in Northern Saudi Arabia and we have excavated in excess of 228,968,352 bcms produces 12 million tonnes of phosphate per year which is supplied to the client’s processing plants and rail loading facility. We have completed a contract for Maaden Waad Al Shamal (Al Khabra) which covered the establishment of the initial site mine facilities, construction of two major haul roads, conducting tests on excavation methods and opening up the initial working area of the mine. SCCL is fully self-sufficient including the maintenance and repair of all the equipment we operate. We are unique in this area as most large earth moving contractors rely on outside sources for support. We have the local knowledge and a diverse supply chain for spare parts that enable us to keep our fleet running. We even repair all our own large off-road tires, no other company in the Kingdom does this. When you think of Saudi Comedat Company Limited we want you to know that we are not your ordinary mining and earthmoving company. We give you piece of mind and a worry-free experience that will meet your stringent Health, Safety and Environmental requirements. We are ISO 4001, 90001 and 45001 certified.
# الإسم
# الإسم


  • Mining support services
    • Oil and natural gas extraction support activities
      • Drilling of oil fields
      • Drilling of natural gas fields
      • Services related to oil extraction except surveying services
      • Services related to natural gas extraction except surveying services
      • Other activities related to oil and natural gas extraction support activities
  • Specialized construction activities
    • Site preparation
      • Drilling and earth moving for site preparation purposes
      • Landfill
      • Building site drainage
      • Blasting
      • Other site preparation activities


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